Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Connection Drill

Some of my buddies recently got a taste of Daito Ryu. I thought I would share with them a key exercise that was practiced in the Shofukan dojo.


  1. Very cool! We do quite a bit of this in the aikido dojo I work with as well. Oftentimes we do it from seiza (kokyuuho suwariwaza(?)), and it's really fricken hard! To get it right at least. Of course it depends on the uke and what he's doing, but it's one of those techniques where if you can get that right, it unlocks all of the others in a sense. Also, a testament to the need for training partners. No matter how much you train solo, I don't think you can get better at this without partners. Wo is me in my lonely apartment with minimal aikido time... hey, perhaps this could be A CHALLENGE FOR YOU mr. creative aiki man! hahaha ... can you think of a solo drill ... or something with some kind of apparatus that could help train this particular technique or feeling???

  2. Today I worker on this with my old sempai. There is a great deal to this move that I have yet to uncover.

  3. Zacky: Yoshinkan Aikido Kihon Dosa -

  4. Gross. Strange spam-sushi
    It is neither Tomiki
    or Ueshiba-Ryu.

  5. You are correct, it is not aikido at all. However it is the root of both Tomiki lineage and Ueshiba's studies. If you had listened or read the post it is Daito Ryu based work coming from the Renshinkan-Shofunkan line. So no, I did not make it up.

    Sorry you don't like it, but I won't be losing any sleep. If you want to have rude discourse please put your name down, so I can keep you straight, oh wise guru.

  6. Excellent video good sir! Ryote dori Kokyu ho is always a great exercise, especially to feel whether one is putting too much physical force into the movement.
