Thursday, December 3, 2015

Sagawa Daito Ryu Films

There are nine branches of Daito Ryu lineages.  These are coming from the following teachers.

1. Takeda Tokimune
2. Hisa Takuma
3. Sagawa Yukiyoshi
4. Horikawa Kodo
5. Yoshida Kotaro
6. Morihei Ueshiba (preWWII Daito Ryu)
7. Hosono Tsunejiro
8. Matsuda Toshimi
9. Yamamoto SumiYoshi 

Sagawa Yukiyoshi 佐川 幸義

One of the famous students of the founder of Daito Ryu was Sagawa Yukiyoshi.  I have found his school is hard to get into, and they are secretive.  Until lately I did not think any films coming from this lineage were available.  While no public films have been released of Sagawa himself, many of his students have made short recordings.  For my own research records I have decided to gather them here,  Hopefully these films can give a glimpse into the world of Sagawa Daito Ryu.

The following 3 films show one of Sagawa's top students.  Keisatsu Yoshimaru,

Sagawa student Yasue Kunio, who also studied aikido under Seigo Yamaguchi.  Now he teaches his own form of Chrisitan aikido (hence the robes)

Yasue Kunio claims to have started Daito Ryu under Matsuda Toshimi, but then went on to study with Sagawa,


  1. What's really striking is how relaxed these guys look.

  2. Dear Erik, what a special and fascinating resource. Really appreciate you curating it so nicely and sharing it like this - thank you :-)

  3. The first and third videos are students of Keisatsu Yoshimaru, he only appears in the second film. There's a bit of controversy around him, although he certainly did spend time with Sagawa.

    When Sagawa took Yasue Kunio as a student he said something like "well, you'll never be much good, but you can train if you like", FWIW...

    The last video is Youichi Shiosaka.

  4. If anybody's interested - here are some public pages about the controversies:

    Yoshimaru Keisetsu and Masaru Takahashi -

    Yoshimaru Keisetsu and Tatsuo Kimura -

  5. The 9th line is Yamamoto Kakuyoshi :-)
